Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Field Day

Opening Day is Here

In honor of opening day for Major League Baseball, which is my hands down favorite sport to watch, I thought I'd dedicate a post to it.  Rule number one in going to a baseball game, come prepared.  This can be very different depending on the the time of day of the game and the time of the year.  For instance the outfit that I created below would be more for an afternoon game for this time of year in LA (L.A is my favorite team so I'm pretending that's where I'm going).  However, if this would be a night game, always, always, always bring a jacket, no matter where you are.  I have gone to my fare share of games, throughout the states and one thing I know of is that it always cools off at night and being cold and stuck at a game is not fun.  

Field Day

The second rule, which is something my mother preaches religiously, put sunscreen on.  This goes hand-in-hand with the come prepared rule, but this is probably the most important thing you do not want to forget.  

Another little tip would be to look at the weather forecast a couple days before and also the day of, because those summer rain storms can be pretty spontaneous sometimes.  

The last thing is to just enjoy yourself.  A baseball game is great activity for friends, or family to go to and just spend time with one another without agenda or schedule.  Just enjoy the atmosphere and your company.  

1 comment:

  1. I love going to baseball games and I am glad I am not the only one who has trouble finding the right outfit! Those days in the bleacher seats soaking up the sun can really give you some brutal tan lines. Great suggestion on the weather tips and well as bringing a coat. I feel like it is better to have it than to not!
