Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Easter Sunday

Growing up in a house with all girls, any holiday that people may dress up on is a big deal with us.  So naturally, Easter is one of those days.  As catholics we would always get dressed up for church in the morning and then go to my grandparent's house after.  I guess it has just become a tradition of ours that we will all go shopping for Easter dresses together.  However, since moving away I have not been able to participate with my sisters, but they still include me in the tradition by face timing me while they are shopping.

Here are some dresses that I found on Pinterest that I thought would be perfect for Easter: 

I really like the back of the dress above as well as the colors of the hydrangeas.  If you have read my other posts you'll know that I am more of a neutral colors person; however, I love the simplicity of this dress.

The next two dresses have similar waistlines and structure.  I chose the neon one because it's Easter and why not add some color on such colorful holiday, while the other was picked because of the beautiful lace overlay.  

This last piece is a fun and playful peplum dress that is more fitted than the other dresses.  Although there is a full floral print it is a little more muted which keeps it from being too much. 

All of these dresses are beautiful and great for Easter, or really any spring event.  I would have to try on these in order to which one I'd buy; however, my top choice would have to be the sunflower printed neon dress.

Comment below and tell me which one you like!

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